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WELLCOM!!!!To All My Dear Readers!!!

Do u find this site very boring? Then do drop in onto my other site Comical Horny Though Of Comical 'Horny Ang Moh' where I am not a 'Good Boy'. Tq very much for dropping in & have a very nice day!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

New Kia!!!!!!

I learn new meanting to the word kia. Nomally I only know NoKia wan but the pic below give a lot of new meaning to the word 'kia'.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Fun with maths...!!!

Have some 'fun' with maths. ( Actually I never have any 'fun' with math, This is the subject that give me the most headach ).Try out the following equestion.

1. First of all, pick one number between one to nine.
Eg. 8

2. Multiply this number by 2
Ans. 16

3. Add 5

4. Multiply it by 50

5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1757...
If you haven't, add 1756.

6. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born.

You should have a three digit number.

The first digit of this was your original number.
Ie no.8

The next two numbers are
Your Age! ------ eg 19 after b-day , 18 before b-day


As I know nut about maths perhap my reader who is an expert in maths can explain to me?

Have a goody day to all my reader.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Science Or Art???

This is a delima I face when in form three. Where should I be? In science or in art side. My teacher advice me to be in science side as I do well in this subject. But on the other hand my maths suck* ( to me 1+1=11 or 1+1=11 ). Beside this my science teacher privately told me that I can do it. Also people generally think science sided student are more clever ( so this meant I am a clever boy ).

Base on this presumption & on my teacher advice I end up on the science side for my form 4 & 5. I must say I do enjoy studying in science side. I enjoy doing all the experiment ( & almost cost a few accident ). My favourite is both the biology & physic experiment. I remember once doing a biology disecting on a rat, the girl on my side almost fainted when she saw blood oozing out of the rat. The only subject I hate is math, both maths. So much so that I did badly in my SPM b'cos I only manage a pass in my maths.

Science or art? I face the same problem against when going to form six. This time my teacher against advice me to go to science side. According to her I might still made it if I study hard. But I did told her that my maths really suc*k. Anyway she say I can give science a try & if I really cannot stand it ( or go craz*y ) I can always go over to the art side. Yes that is the advantage of being a science student. Science side can go over to art, but art cannot come over to science as science student is more 'clever'.

So base on this advice. I go to science side for my form six. Form six is totally different from form five. I am going crazy on the maths . So after 2 months as science student I gave up and go over to the art side. What a big different it is in art. No more experiment. No more complicated caculation. But I have to do a lot of memorising. I find the art subject rather 'dry' as compare to the more 'lifely' science subject. I find literature terribley boring ( so boring that I fall asleep in most of this 'literature' class ).

So how did I do in form six. Well not bad I must say, but not very good ( considering the fact that I sleep on most of the boring subject like 'literature', geography & etc ) either. So do I face the same problem when going to enter U?

No! I don't have that chance. Why? Because I have enter into the workforce. Actually I intended to work on a tempory basic while waiting to go oversea to further my education. This however never happen as I found out studying oversea is very costly & it don't garantee employment. So I stay put working.

My parent use to say to me 'Made full use of ur study life & enjoy it'. Back then I hate my student life, I just couldn't waite to grow up & earn my own life. Back then my only worry is no doing my homework & that teacher is a tiger ( I solve this problem by copying from a nice girl who sit next to me, she also guard me while I am sleeping ) & of couse in exame time. Thinking back what my parent said is true, now I miss my student life. It is gone forever. So to my dear reader who is still studying, do enjoy ur life now.

Have a goody day. Do feel free to comment. Nothings made me feel more happy then reading comment from my readers.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Look What I Got.................

A common brown squarrel! Daddy traped it using a mouse trap with a banana as bite.This fellow has being helping himself/herself ( I have no idea if it is a she or a he as I can't see the 'ball' or the 'hole' also as it is jumping about in the trap ) to all the fruits in our small garden where we grows banana, sugar cane, tangerine etc.

What happen to it? Did I kill it? Eat it ( apparently it is good for those with asmal as it is a 'heaty' animal ) ? Or sold it? I did none of it. I set it free. Am I crazy? He! He! I actually set it free near an unused cremetry near a small town as this unused cremetry is full of big tree.

So what do u think? Am I a good boy or a bad boy?

Saturday, July 7, 2007

I am a 'good boy'! An introduction.

Hi to my reader! This is my first post. I am a 'good boy'. 'Good boy' in open & close inverted coma. So in real life I am not a 'good boy' but I am not a bad boy either.

Anyway I will try my best to be a 'good boy' in blogsphere. My interest is vast. In fact I am interested in anythings & everythings!

This is all for now. ( Blogging is much harder then I thought, I have nothing to blog about now! Perhap my reader will be kind enought to help me out? Any idea what to blog or any topic u want me to blog is highly appreciated tq tq ).