Are we cheap scape? Well it depend on what we are buying I suppose. What is so wrong about buying cheap product if it is value for money! Similar product but different in pricing & 'brand'! Which do u choose? For me I will always go for cheaper price! Well most of the time anyway. Of cause it depend on the product also. Product here meant physical product as well as services also.
I have a real case in point! Entrecard! I am sure all my readers will know what is entrecard as almost all my readers in this site are from entrecard members. One of the advantage of entre card is the ability of member to place ads on members card subject to his/her entre card credit & how much entre card credit it cost to place the ads on member's site.
For the past week I have seem my 'ads' price going up to as high as 38 ec credit per days! Well I feel happy but I notice there is no ads request! So for the next few days I 'lay low' which meant I did do any entre card member's site hopping! I just let my ads pricing drop! It drop to as low as 8 ec credit value!
Suddenly there are a lots of ads requst! Of cause I approve all the ads. There are no restriction on my site! I wellcum all ads request! So r my entre card members cheap scape??? NOT! To me if u can have the same product/service at a cheaper price, then why not? After all any things bought at a cheaper price can be consider a saving too!
This prove that demand will be there when u r going cheap!
Almost everybody have negative views about entrecard.. I guess we all just have to look on the positive side.. It's still traffic
Hi My daily thoughts! Wellcum! Yes! U r right! It is still traffic!
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