Just this morning while I am having coffee in my usual cafe I overheard from the next table a few very loud & vocal complain! They were complaining very loudly about the increase in prices of daily stuff! Stuff like bread, drink, egg, milk & so on & so froth!
Couldn't really blamed them as I myself experience the increased as well. Just a simple example, a glass of ice milk tea cost Rm1.00 one year ago, now it is Rm1.50! A 50% increase! Other food stuff is the same an increase of at lease 20% or more! All in all base on my rough estimate the cost of living of my life have increase by about 30% or more depended on how I computed my living expenses!
Do I get a 30% increase in salary or rather do I get a 30% increase in earning?!!! Dream on!!! I can say increase in living expenses cost will always be more then your increase in earning if u have an increase at all! U will be in fact lucky if u still have a job! Most employer are now on a cost cutting mission, so asking for a radical increase in salary will not be a good idea!
What to do??? At this rate of increase in cost of living if we don't made changes to our life style we will soon be in debts. If fact u might already be in debts ( I might post up a topic about debts in my future post ). Changes we have to made!
First changes is the 'activities' in the weekend! With 'thinner' wallet I am sure the first things we give up will the eating out! We might still eat out but it will no longer be in any 'expensive' restaurant or we reduce the number of visits. Do u still spend as much as before on entertainment??? Do u still went outing as much as before? And do u change even the type of dinks & foods u eat?!!!
If u have done all the above then u have made changes to ur life style! I am sure the first changes we made or stopped doing this 'activities' are 'activities' which are not necessary in our daily life. Going to cinema & spending money on entertainment will be a good example! We might not like it at first & even miss this activities but soon we get use to it! After all there are alternative which give us as much enjoyment if not more which cost we less or not at all!
All this changes in out life style have a immediate effect! Done it right we still have a comfortable life style plus we no only reduce out living expenses but we can now even save some money. Done it wrong we end up with a miserable life but once we adapt out life style we should be doing fine!
I am sure everyone hated changes. I am no different but in this tiring time with limited earning I have no choice but to change my life style. Since my earning is limited I can only save on whatever meant I got, that is changing my life style!
So to me money saved is money gained! So to my dear readers do u agree with me on this & have u changed ur life style???